
Frequent Flyer: Membership!

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Frequent Flyer Membership!
Maximum Purchase:
1 unit

l'oiseau fabrics Frequent Flyer status gives you a 10% discount on all purchases for 1 year from the date of purchase. That's 10% off fabulous knits, poplins, corduroy and more!


How does it work?

Once you purchase your membership, we will email you a personal coupon code when we fill your order. If you purchase your membership as part of a larger order, we will also refund 10% off any fabric you order at that time. Once you have it, you can begin to use your code immediately! If you ever forget it, just email us and we'll make sure you're taken care of. 


The Frequent Flyer Membership is not intended to be shared among multiple people. Abuse in this fashion can cause the membership to be revoked with no refund of the remaining term. All orders using your coupon code should be sent to you. If you are operating a business with multiple people, one code per business is acceptable; providing that we are informed of who the other participants are.